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The LIFT Project

An evidence-based wellbeing solution designed to lift individuals, groups, organizations and communities.

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LIFT (Small Groups)

The Lift Project is designed to help you develop resilience, to feel good more often and to function at higher levels of enjoyment and performance. 


Prioritizing mental health and wellbeing will not only improve your mood, but it can help you pursue your big goals and dreams.


The program can be delivered online or in person, or both! Access learning materials through a dedicated online learning platform, with fun and educational videos each week.


Program Experience

Over a 10-week period, you will get access to a full suite of learning videos, research articles and a fully downloadable workbook. 


Each lesson takes about 30 minutes to complete online, and we encourage you to share it with your family or friends!


What's included:

  • Lift online learning platform (one-year access)

  • 10 Weekly group sessions (online / in-person or hybrid)

  • Daily and weekly challenges

  • Customizable workbook

The Lift Project
Darren Morton

The Lift Project


"I loved Lift! Ten weeks ago I felt stuck, confused and frustrated. Now I'm excited, truly excited about understanding my brain. It has freed up a lot of my energy and given me a lot of confidence."


"I'm liking this program and love sharing it with my husband. I have even lost a few pounds and I feel more at ease; I now feel empowered to explore my next steps. I've learned to enjoy and trust the process." 

Weekly Topics

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